Sunday, 30 September 2007

Gantt Chart

At the beginning of the week, I set myself a checklist of targets, which improved my focus and gave me a sense of enormous satisfaction. One of the targets, was to define the look of the site template. Initially, I was reluctant to begin designing until I was satisfied with the content required for the other units. Similar to leaving your dessert till last, temptation got the better of me and I reached for the pencil.



Please feel free to leave constructive criticism (the more critical the better!), I will look forward to receiving your suggestions for improvement in eager anticipation.
Self-discipline is something that I don’t find difficult, but having a good balance between, College, Work and Family is a juggling act. Implementation of a Gantt chart will illustrate my scheduling against the units ahead. With the deadline fast approaching, I feel both apprehensive and confident. Apprehensive that my sketch blog doesn’t have an adequate amount of supporting evidence, but confident that by referring to the Gantt chart, I will complete each unit on time.

Sunday, 23 September 2007

Oblogatory web guidance

I decided to alter the format of my Blogger to conform with the web accessibility guidelines (1.1, 1.2, 4.2, 12.3 and 14.1), in comparison to my initial design the new design has real impact and fulfils my artistic expression.

On loan this week from Wakefield Library, “Jakob Nielsen, Prioritizing Web Usability”, reading this re-confirmed my thoughts about usability. The book includes factual information and human psychomotor behaviours such as Fitts' law and explores many hidden factors that need significant consideration in order to build an engaging user experience. This week I have discovered that a websites’ appearance is determined by it’s user, unlike print where WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) an interesting comparison to comprehend with my background in printing.

Some of these web considerations included:
  • Links that change colour when visited
    Vital for people who suffer with short-term memory loss
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) CSS allows the user to alter the appearance of the site, very useful for users with different types of colour blindness
  • Only 40% of users view the second screen of a webpage
  • CGI (Common Gateway Interface) – Is Just Magic!
    Common = Interacts with many different operating systems.
    Gateway = Provides users with a way to gain access to different programs, such as databases or picture generators.
    Interface = Uses a well-defined method to interact with a Web server
  • A site built using HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
    It will create a small size site compared to a site created with images as blocks of text.
  • RNIB Not considered ?
    To ensure that standard print is legible for as wide an audience as possible RNIB (The Royal National Institute of Blind People) recommend a minimum type size of 12 pt Arial, for all printed documents. This is not as restrictive on the web because the user can determine the type size, interesting debate!

Following my second tutorial, I realised that whilst it is a positive thing to research and collect evidence for my sketch blog, it is also imperative to collaborate my findings within a written report. Concentrating my effort this week, I have produced a thorough written evaluation of my Project Goals, Target Audience and delivery requirements. It is my intention to start the design process next week.

Sunday, 16 September 2007

“Jakob Nielson” a web designers arch nemesis!

Throughout the week I have gained knowledge about three of the eight targets from the first assignment and compiled my findings into the sketchbook. By evaluating my development I will use this blogger, this should help me establish factual details and creative inspiration to support my written report. Well, that’s the Plan!

I now realise the importance of the core process. Similar to the design process, the creation of an effective website is achievable when you empathise with your client’s aims and objectives, only then can you develop a realistic plan based on their budget, consideration of lead-time and design parameters.

Overwhelmed with the amount of consideration required to aid usability. I found it useful to read interviews/comments from “Jakob Nielson”. Some people refer to him as the Father of Usability. Others i.e. designers, in particular seem to see him as their arch nemesis. In my opinion, whilst I understand that the appearance is important to entice the audience, if usability is not considered frustration will occur. I really wanted to get my hands on a copy of one of his books this week, because I feel it may support findings for my next target on competitive analysis.

Saturday, 8 September 2007

“Where I’ve come from, where I am now and where I’m going”

Sometimes you get asked the question, “Where do you see yourself in five years?”. Well five years ago I was single, living at home studying to become an ICT Tutor, while holding down a Graphic Design career. Five years previous to that, I was working in Rotherham at B&B Press, designing and coordinating digital pre-press work into litho production, with plans to travel around the world. I could never have imagined five years on, I would be married with one child and another one on the way; achieved management status and be a part-time FE ICT Tutor/ NVQ Assessor teaching: MS Office, Digital Camera’s and advanced Photoshop.

My decision to working in the print industry, rather than pursing a degree in Graphic Design allowed me the opportunity to gain experience and knowledge in print theory and pre-press production. However, despite this valuable experience I have always regretted not continuing my studies and gaining a degree. I believe by advancing my design skills into web design will broaden my knowledge, increase my attractiveness to future employers, but above all will build the foundation for my future.

For a while now, I have been searching for the right course to accommodate my commitments. Finally, I found a course that I could attend on day release, or so I thought! Despite the refusal of day release my employer has reluctantly agreed to allow me to finish early on Monday's. During my initial meeting with the course tutor, I identified that to complete the course with such limited tuition had never been attempted. At the moment I feel apprehensive about what is expected from me, however I am enthusiastic to the challenge ahead.

The way I intend to make my future is by keeping focused and having a clear direction. I will be spending the rest of my life living in the future and I dream that one day I will own my own business.

Bring on the first assignment, Steve!

To quote: Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm
Author: Ralph Waldo Emmerson