Thursday, 18 October 2007

Good news comes in threes

Firstly, I hope you have all completed the unit on time and enjoy your break. Don’t worry about the result, we are all in it together and it is our first attempt therefore we can only improve.

This week
Tuesday of this week was a satisfying occasion; a feeling of fulfilment and elation empowered my body when I submitted my first assignment, leaving the college with a beaming smile. Now a few days later I have been short-listed for an interview at a design agency in Sheffield. It is said, “good news comes in threes”, and so I am hoping that I have passed the unit. Glad that I have got a break away from college work this week but eager to start the next assignment. In the meantime I need to get my portfolio in order and wait in anticipation of the forthcoming result.

Looking back
Prior to starting this course, I felt disappointed that I knew nothing about web design and the associated technology, to a point this is still true. In the creation of this unit, I now appreciate how usability and accessibility affects the users experiences, a vital consideration of web development. Furthermore, I now value all the methods we have used to record the progress and evidence our learning through the use of these electronic journals, sketchbooks and written reports. On first impressions, I admit I felt a little bewildered by this obsessive behaviour and did not feel at all comfortable presenting a sketchbook that didn’t have a logical order. Over time, I have managed to become less anally retentive over the methodical presentation of the sketchbook and now feel lost without it.

Points to consider next time
  1. To keep a record of the Internet sites I visit and catalogue them against each element of the unit
  2. Set achievable weekly targets after each tutorial and review my progress in the blogger
  3. Make sure I have an adequate amount of printer consumables, since I keep running out of paper
  4. Avoid the distraction of unnecessary research
  5. Keep study periods within sociable hours
  6. More engagement in other peoples blogs


Chris Towell said...

The best way to catalogue your Internet pages is to download Firefox2 from the portable apps website. Then in Firefox add the Del.icious tool bar which allows you to 'Tag' websites which you visit. (A bit like a history).

Tom Smith said...

Congrats on your interview in Sheffield, good luck with that. Also, good luck for your result for this assignment!

As for printer consumables, it's always good to have enough of these! I even planned time on my time sheets early on in the assignment to go and get all this kind of stuff- I didn't want to be on the last minute with this and by getting it in plenty of time it ensured I didn't have any last minute worries.

Mark Torrington said...


Thank you for the advice about downloading the del.icious tool bar. It is a lot easier than writing them all down in my sketchbook.

Chris Towell said...

It is and it takes up less space in the sketchbook I'm so glad I downloaded it as it makes it so much easier to catalogue the history.

If you have a look Firefox has a lot of 'nice' little extras if you have a look. I have downloaded a CSS Validator and HTML Validator & there is a Web Developer toolbar which is very useful.