Tuesday, 6 November 2007

The day of reflection

Prior to my presentation about yellow, I introduced myself to fellow students. I found this a great opportunity to put actual people to the bloggers I had read. Although the presentation went well, I would have preferred to present it to the whole class.

From the jovial atmosphere in the morning the afternoon seemed quite sombre after receiving the results from the “That’s the Plan” assignment. If I were an HND student, I would have been referred, however I passed at Merit level. Whilst I am pleased with the result, my thoughts are with those who have been referred.

Today has been a stressful experience more than the anticipation of the results from yesterday, as I had to take my son to Sheffield Children’s Hospital for his MAG3 Scan. Unfortunately this incurred my son being radioactive and therefore my pregnant wife was unable to assist in caring for him. I had planned for an interview at the agency The Book, in Leeds, rather than rescheduling the appointment, I enlisted the help of parents who were more than happy to assist much to my appreciation. The interview went well, and the agency will forward my details to respective employers.


Suzanne Hullah said...

Congrats on your interview going well, I think there must have been something in the air yesterday as my partner, Scott, had an interview also and says it went really well. He's been given a test brief to complete for them to see if his work is up to their standards, but they seem pleased with him. Fingers crossed eh?

Once again, well done on your merit grade!

Tom Smith said...

Just to reiterate what Sue said:

Congratulations on another interview going well... hopefully it'll lead to some work this time! And congratulations on your merit, and keep up the good work!

I understand a MAG3 scan is something to do with kidneys... I'm not sure what the problem is but I really do hope that things are OK, and not too stressful.

John Browne said...

Hey, yes indeed monday was a pleasant experience. Having you in class for a full day meant we had a familiar face to catch up with. Infact I quite liked you're hand out design you gave us, but from steve letting us in on your experiences I do beleive you lose a few brownie points.

Im also sorry to hear about your sons scan, and for this I give my best...

Greg Carrick said...

Congratulations on you interview and your merit!

I hope every thing is OK with your sons scan.

It was good to have your presence at college on Monday and to have your input in the discussion. I hope we’re going to see your presence in class some more.

Nice handouts by the way!

Webomatic said...


First of all I would like to congratulate you on your merit nice work, also I would like to say nice work on the handouts, they was amazing, it just shows that you are a designer already, I love the work you did, I would also like to thank you for being there in our group and talking about how to improve you brought up some valid points.

Also I would like to let you no that my handouts are ready I will give you one when your next in class or I will upload it and send you it what ever you prefer. Hope everything goes well with your sons scan.

Thanks, Martyn

Mark Torrington said...

It was great meeting you all - you truly are a great set of Individuals energised with enthusiasm, an inspiration that I intend to be party to more often. Following my sons MAG3 scan, I must have been totally run down because I contracted man flu.

Suzanne Hullah said...

Thanks for your good wishes for my partner's job interview. He has been called back for a second interview next week, so lets hope that's a good sign!

Anonymous said...

Comment deadline.

Mark Torrington said...

Excellent news Suzanne, I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

My interview with the agency confirmed that employers require just 8-10 pieces of design work.

Michelle Bonfield said...

Well done on the merit and managing to balance everything!!!

I was extremely impressed with your hand out on 'Yellow' you obviously have an excellent eye for design and hopefully I can learn a lot from you.

It was really good talking with you finally last week, I feel that your immersion into the group could really help us all grow. Particularly with your 'real world' design experience.

I look forward to seeing more of you!