Tuesday, 15 January 2008

The day of reckoning

Traditionally, a New Year's resolution is to reflect upon self-improvement and to set an annual goal, this year mine is ‘better time planning’. I really need to be committed to the initial production plan. After reading Unit 3 and A5 assignment sheets, I have identified a production plan that I will copy to my gantt chart. Completing at least five realistic targets each week should break the assignment into manageable sections. If I don’t stick to this, I know I will fall into my regular habit of getting side tracked into researching topics such as accessibility.

I prepared myself for failure yesterday. When I handed the assignment in I felt the amount of effort was worthy of a distinction, however, after a week of contemplation, I resided my thoughts to a pass. Monday, The day of reckoning, Steve and John assessed my feelings before concluding the meeting and rewarded my assignment with a distinction. I felt elated with the result, ‘a feeling equal to passing my driving test’.

Finally, I can begin to build a website rather than writing about it. I must admit writing is not something I enjoy. Hopefully by completing this assignment will dismay my new fear of creating an actual website. I feel apprehensive, yet excited at the prospect of building a website, will it work? what problems will I face?, and what dreaded frustrations will occur?. Aaahh!


Tom Smith said...

Well done on your distinction!

You always have to outdo the rest of us don't you ;).

I'm sure that you'll succeed in the creation of the site- there are plenty of resources online, in college, etc. to help you out if you need it! And don't forget about Das Forum.

Webomatic said...

I'm sure you are very right about the website will be a hastle. I think there will be a lot of errors for me which is why im looking for help using Dreamweaver online now so i get a bit more practise in. I think the forum is a very good way of getting help also as Tom stated. The 2nd years helped me a lot on a few burning questions i had.

Thanks, Martyn

Suzanne Hullah said...

Congratulations on your distinction, with a child to look after myself I know how demanding juggling college work and family life can get - and you have two children, so an even bigger reason to pat yourself on the back!

As stated in class on Monday, once you get over the first initial worries associated with being introduced to a new program, you'll find that dreamweaver is simple to use as a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) program. Feel free to ask me to see my notes any time if you feel you need any more information from the lectures that you're unable to attend.

James Bell said...

Building the website will I am sure, at times, prove to be problematic especially with things like XHMTL validation to consider.

I think the best to avoid major problems like this is to regularly test the website and Dreamweaver also has the ability to validate the website.

Although this is not always 100% accurate it can provide a very quick way of checking on minor errors.

As mentioned before the forum is a great place to gain advice and help.