Logo development

The only design that had any scope for improvement was my first idea. I have spent many hours creating different spiral combinations to reach these final four designs.
I would really appreciate some constructive criticism.

Initially, I was going to create one cover design, however I realised if Emit are going to re-release it’s entire back catalogue I would need to create a themed design. Although the logo I have developed symbolises a galaxy and the letter ‘e’, it also can be used with a range of images that cover an array subjects.

For me logo 1 has the most balance. Although the central placing is an obvious solution, it works, so why try to re-design the wheel. The other placings of 'emit' seem somewhat awkward and break down the visual flow around the design.
Overall I think you have successfully created a crisp, communicative and visually strong logo design. However,I'm not too sure about the upside down 'i', I understand the concept but it looks kinda out of place, does it need it?
Why not try to take the swirl from idea 1 and just use the type? I think you have some strong type there, but I'm not convinced with the swirl. It doesn't fit with the style of music I don't think - it says more surfer / extreme sports logo to me.
Hi Mark
I agree with Craig the swirl doesn’t seem to fit ambient music, although I have trouble saying this as I also did a swirl affect on one of mine. I think the best thing to do would be to have an interview with the client (Steve) on your ideas to see what they would say.
You say you have trouble designing for your self, but if you think of Steve as the client you are really designing for him, so as said above maybe arrange an interview.
Thanks, Martyn
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