Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Delivery Requirements for Portfolio Website

1. Display my Web and Design skills
The design of my online portfolio will showcase my design and web skills to a level that I am satisfied with. This I feel will be the hardest goal I have ever set myself.

*In order to achieve this goal I will have to scrutinise my own design work and choose a design that is attractive and easy to maintain.

2. An easily updateable portfolio
To regularly update my portfolio while my latest campaign is live to the public. To achieve this might require me gain an understanding CMS. If this is unachievable I may need to keep the layout simple* and use comments to highlight areas that need updating.

Learning how to use a CMS will be useful for me when I approach new start-up businesses that might require a self managed website solution.

*This will be measured by how easily the process is to do – creating a design that can accommodate new design work without being too busy is the solution.

3. High ranking in Search Engines Optimisation
To be listed high in the search engines is essential to attract potential new employers or clients to my website. In fact my last client asked if her site could be among the top five listed in Google*.

*Possessing an understanding how to improve SEO and track results in Search Engine Results Pages, such as Google’s tracking service that lists the most popular keywords that users may use while searching for similar sites.

4. Validated to XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS ver 2.1 standards
*This goal goes without saying and has been a goal I have set myself in all the websites I have developed. Ensuring the website is validated to these standards goes towards improving SEO and will increase compatibility across browsers.

*Regularly checking the website by using the Validation services from W3C.

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