Tuesday 20 November 2007

I suddenly have more responsibility

Over the past week, my whole world has altered and I suddenly have more responsibility, this has consequently affected my production plan. I originally estimated that I would complete an explanation for at least five technical terms in three hours. Following my initial attempt, I realised this target is unachievable. One hour per technical term is a more realistic amount of time required; therefore I need to realign the production plan.

Logistically this week has been difficult to do any work, due to limited computer access. For this reason I started writing the content for the website in my sketchbook.

This coming week, I plan to:
  • Complete the delivery requirements, making sure that I have a more in-depth web hosting comparison;
  • Complete the content sections;
  • Complete the Target audiences;
  • Continue to collect images associated with the technologies;
  • Start the competitive analysis.


Gary Benn said...

First of all congratulations!

secondly, you always manage to right really good journal entries! Im going to have to start on the content this coming week, I'm dreading it. Do you have any idea how to set the images out in the assignment layout for the content?

hope your well, Gary

Tom Smith said...

I also found that my content takes a lot longer than expected. I set aside 3 hours for each area: hardware, software, etc. It actually took me 5 hours to complete the hardware sections, meaning it took approx. 30 mins per item.

Even this is when I'm working really quickly!

Mark Torrington said...

Although I am not quite at that stage of setting the images out in the assignment, I would imagine you would only need reference the proposed positioning of images in your screen design.

Maybe reference the images you use with thumbnails added to your asset list.

James Bell said...

I think writing the content for the site is something that is very deceptive task in terms of the amount of time it will take.

Between forty and fifty words doesn't seem a lot to write about each one but it does require a large amount of research.

With regards to the images they will be needed for the assets list.

Suzanne Hullah said...

To confirm what James has said, the images will be needed for the assets list along side any copyright permission you've been granted.

Thanks for the tip on my blog, however, what difference does 'luminosity' have to 'colour'?

Thomas Wealthy said...

I have been making steady progress with the content for website as well. I have found it rather enjoyable to research for a reason at all! It has been quite a lengthy task as it takes quite a long time and gets rather annoying trying to hit 50 words for each item!
I feel as if I am a contestant on countdown.

Anonymous said...

Comment deadline.